
1. ⽉謝のお⽀払いについて
の⽉謝が⽀払われます。 納⼊後の⽉謝は、原則としてご返⾦出来ません。なお、稀に、受講内容によっては、材料費、モチーフ代、モデル代等別途負担していただく場合があります。

2. クラスの受講について

3. 振替について

4. 受講回数の変更について

5. 休会について

6. 休講について

7. 退会について
退会の際には前⽉の15⽇までに書⾯にて退会届を提出してください。提出が15⽇を過ぎますと 翌々⽉からの退会となります。作品、画材などがある場合は、速やかにお持ち帰りください。(画材保管期限退会より1ヶ⽉間)期限内にお持ち帰りされなかった廃棄させていただきます。また、次の場合、またはそれに準ずると判断できる場合は、やむを得ず退会又は入会をお断りとさせていただきます。
・その他、art studio TEN.との信頼関係を損なう重大な過失を犯した場合

8. 休校⽇について


10. 貴重品等について




Painting Class Enrollment Terms and Conditions

Payment of Monthly Fees
As a general rule, the monthly fee will be automatically charged to your credit card on the 6th of each month. After payment, the monthly fee cannot be refunded. Occasionally, additional costs such as material fees, motif fees, or model fees may apply depending on the course content.

Attending Classes
Each class has a set number of sessions, schedule, and monthly fee. Please select a class that fits your schedule. Enrollment is open at any time. For those who enroll mid-month, the class fee for the first month will be prorated. Occasionally, a substitute instructor may take over a class due to unforeseen circumstances.

Makeup Classes
If you are unable to attend a class for personal reasons, you must notify us via email at least 5 hours before the class start time. Makeup classes can be scheduled within the same month for the missed class. Makeup classes cannot be carried over to the following month. Makeup class requests are accepted only via email. It is also possible to switch to another class within the same category (e.g., switching from an Art School class to an English Painting Club, or from a Drawing class to a Painting class). Please note that if the desired makeup class is full, it may not be available.

Changing Class Frequency
If you wish to change the number of classes for the month, you must submit a change request form in writing by the 15th of the previous month. Requests submitted after the 15th will be processed starting the month after next.

Taking a Leave of Absence
To take a leave of absence, you must submit a leave request form in writing by the 15th of the previous month. If submitted after the 15th, the leave will start from the month after next. During your leave, a fee of 1,650 yen (including tax) will be charged via automatic credit card payment.

Cancellation of Classes
In the case of unexpected natural disasters affecting public transportation or instructor availability, classes may be canceled. We will attempt to reschedule canceled classes before the end of the month, but if rescheduling is not possible, we will issue a refund for the missed class.

Withdrawal from Classes
To withdraw from the class, you must submit a withdrawal request form in writing by the 15th of the previous month. If submitted after the 15th, withdrawal will take effect from the month after next. If you have any artwork or materials at the studio, please pick them up promptly. (Materials can be stored for up to one month after withdrawal. Any items left after that period will be discarded.) Withdrawal or refusal of admission may occur in the following cases, or any other situation that severely damages the trust between the member and Art Studio TEN:

・Repeated inappropriate behavior during lessons or disruptive conduct towards other students, and failure to follow the instructor's guidance.
・False information provided on the enrollment form.
・Committing any major error that undermines the trust relationship with Art Studio TEN.
・If the participant or their guardian belongs to or has previously belonged to an anti-social group, they will be denied admission.

School Holidays
School holidays may occur due to the adjustment of classes in months with five occurrences of the same weekday, national holidays, New Year’s holidays, Obon, or special events. Please check the schedule posted by the studio for each occasion.

Storage of Artwork
You may store one sketchbook (up to size 6) and one panel/canvas (up to size 20) free of charge. Please ask the staff to store your items in the designated shelf. For a second item, a storage fee of 550 yen (including tax) per month will apply. Items larger than F10 size will be charged a storage fee of 1,100 yen (including tax) per month.

Valuables and Personal Items
The studio is not responsible for any theft, damage, or loss of personal belongings. Please manage your items yourself. In the case of illness or injury during a class, we will provide immediate care, but we are not liable for any further responsibility.

Studio Equipment and Property
If there is any theft or damage to the studio's equipment, furnishings, or other members' artwork, we may request compensation for damages or repair costs.

Supplementary Provisions
Revision: November 14, 2023