TENジュニア 英語絵画クラブ

This is a style class where students are free to choose what they want to draw and paint in their own style. If they have any trouble with how to paint, I give them advice in simple English and Japanese. Occasionally, we invite a special guest teacher who is a native English speaker. This class is open to both native and non-native Japanese speakers.
入会金 | ¥10,000 |
月謝 | ¥6,000 |
対象 | 絵を描くことが好きな小学1年生〜小学6年生 1st grade to 6th grade elementary school students who like to draw. |
回数 | 月2回 2 times a month |
スケジュール | 土曜日/Sat. 10:30〜11:45 |
講師 | 中島 廣/ Ko NAKAJIMA 画家/ painter |