7/6(土)アオニサイファームさんとコラボイベント「美味しいスケッチ会。ブルーベリー農園スケッチナイト/Tasty Sketch Event.Blueberry farm Sketch 」開催

English is below.
今年も開催します!!art studio TEN.と、アオニサイファームブルーベリー観光農園のコラボイベント!「ブルーベリー農園スケッチナイト」





※描いた絵は、2箇所(TEN‘s ギャラリーとアオニサイカフェ)に、それぞれ約1週間展示、展示後はアオニサイカフェで販売もできます(展示せずに当日お持ち帰りも可能です)。

(交流会参加希望者+¥2,000  ※アルコールは別途現地決済)


▶︎開催場所:アオニサイファーム ブルーベリー観光農園(茨城県つくば市上郷2223−1)

・16:45  受付開始 
・17:00  イベント内容及び概要説明
・17:15 農園内で摘み取り体験、スケッチ・絵の創作
・18:50 作品の完成(a,b,or c いずれかを選択)
   a.お持ち帰り b.展示のみ c.展示+アオニサイカフェで販売
・19:00 終了
・19:00 交流会(希望者のみ)
・21:00 交流会終了

・絵を描くのに必要な画材 (画材をお持ちでない方はご連絡ください。)
  鉛筆、色鉛筆、水彩、パステル、デジタル (アクリル絵の具等はご利用いただけません)


a.当日お持ち帰り b.展示 c.展示+アオニサイカフェで販売 
④イベント終了時に提出できない方は、後日、以下の搬入日時にart studio TEN.へご提出ください。
本イベントの作品創作にart studio TEN.をご利用いただくことも可能です。
7/26(金)14時〜17時, 7/27(土) 14時〜17時
<本イベントの作品創作におけるart studio TEN.のご利用>
・日時:7/8(月), 12(金)、19(金), 22(月)の13時半〜18時

art studo TEN.、アオニサイファーム ブルーベリー観光農園

"Tasty Sketch Event.Blueberry farm Sketch Night"

We will hold this year's event again! A collaborative event between art studio TEN. and Aonisai Farm Blueberry Tourist Farm! "Blueberry Farm Sketch Night."

↓For more information, please contact us at

This is a somewhat unique sketching event where you can observe, pick, taste, and savor blueberries, and feel them with all your senses while sketching blueberries.

▶︎ Contents
Let's sketch and draw blueberries while enjoying the cool of the evening at the Blueberry Tourist Farm, which will be specially opened in the evening, and try tasting and picking blueberries!
Come and enjoy picking and tasting blueberries and sketching in a casual atmosphere.
We will support beginners as well, so please feel free to join us♪
After the sketching and picking experience, we have prepared the meetup where you can taste delicious pizza, so please purchase a ticket that includes the meetup if you would like to sign up..

The finished drawings will be exhibited at two locations (TEN's Gallery and Aonisai Cafe) for about a week each. If you wish, you can also sell your paintings at Aonisai Cafe after they are exhibited (or take them home on the day without exhibiting).
▶︎ Participation fee: ¥3000 
(If you wish to participate in the social event + ¥2,000 *Alcohol will be charged separately on site)
▶︎ Location: Aonisai Farm Blueberry Kanko Farm (2223-1 Kamigo, Tsukuba City, Ibaraki Prefecture)
▶︎ for ages 13 and up.
▶︎ Schedule of the day's events
16:45 Registration 
17:00 Explanation of the event and its outline
17:15 Pick-your-own, sketch and create a picture at the farm.
(From 18:00, Aonisai Cafe will be open to participants of this event.)
18:50: Finish your work (choose a, b, or c below).
a. Take home b. Exhibit only c. Exhibit + Sell at Aonisai Cafe
b and c, please submit your title and name (c: + price)
19:00 End
19:00 Meetup (for those who wish to join)
21:00 End
▶︎ What to bring
・Art materials necessary for painting (If you do not have art materials, please let us know.)
↓Art materials that can be used at the venue
Pencil, colored pencil, watercolor, pastel, digital (acrylic paint is not available)
・Folding chairs for sketching (if necessary)
・Clothes that can get dirty
▶︎The following items will be provided at the venue.
・Paper for sketching (postcard size, A4)
・Pencils, eraser, colored pencils
・Watercolors (2 sets of 12 colors), brushes
※Please use the painting materials by sharing them with each other.

▶︎Other notes
1) The picture must be postcard size or A4 size.
You can prepare your own paper as long as it is postcard size or A4 size. Please choose whichever you prefer.
2) We will provide the frame.
3) Please choose from the following options for your drawing.
a. Take it home on the day of the exhibition 
b. Exhibition 
c. Exhibit + sale at Aonisai Cafe 
If you wish to have your work exhibited or sold at the Aonisai Cafe, please submit your work at the end of the event.
4) If you are unable to submit your work at the end of the event, please submit it to art studio TEN. at a later date and time as indicated below.You may also use art studio TEN. as a workspace to complete your artwork for the event.
<Date and time for bringing in artworks>
Friday, July 26, 14:00-17:00, Saturday, July 27, 14:00-17:00
<The use of art studio TEN. for the creation of artworks for this event
Dates: 7/8 (Mon.), 12 (Fri.), 19 (Fri.), 22 (Mon.) from 13:30 to 18:00
Fee: (Special price for this event) 500 yen/hour

5)We will accept cancellations up to 3 days prior to the event. After 3 days prior to the event, 100% of the cancellation fee will be charged. Please understand this in advance.
ART STUDO TEN, Aonisai Farm Blueberry Tourist Farm


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